Service Teams

Join the Team!

Followers of Jesus are called to become servants. We want to actively demonstrate self-sacrificial love by serving the people around us, especially the family of God. We are seeking to live as God's family, which means we all have an important role to play and get to pitch in!

One of our priorities is to raise up the next generation to become lifelong followers of Jesus. Therefore, we invite everyone who is able to consider serving in our children and student ministries and one other ministry. We call this our "Kids + One" approach to service! 

You can use the list below to explore and sign up for opportunities today!  

Sign Up to Serve

Ways to Serve

  • Kid's Ministry: Experience the joy of helping our children (infants to 5th grade) discover Jesus and learn to follow him on Sunday mornings. 
  • Student Ministry: Exploring Christ and discipleship with our middle and high school students. 
  • Altar Guild: Serve once every four to six weeks and set up the elements that we use for communion each week, as well as set out the appropriate hangings and hymn numbers in the worship space.
  • Greeter & Usher: Welcome worshippers to Holy Cross with a friendly face, help with directions, and collect the offering. Perfect for individuals, couples, and families.
  • Layreader & Chalice Bearer: Lead in worship through the reading of Scripture and the Prayers and serve the chalice during communion. High Schoolers & adults serve once every 4-6 weeks.
  • Choir & Praise Team: Vocalist and musicians to help lead us in worship. 
  • Media Team: Produce sound and screens for all services.
  • Photography or Video: Help document events at Holy Cross and create media for promotional use.
  • Cooking Team: Help prepare food for our campuses or local ministry partners.
  • Prayer: Help intercede for others in our community. 
Sign Up to Serve